Anyway, a week or so ago (at least it feels like a week ago, but obviously my sense of time isn't working too well at present) I visited about 8 local quilt shops during their big March Shop Hop promotion. I had the kids with me for most of the shops I visited, so we didn't wander too far away, although we did get to see some shops I probably wouldn't have gone to otherwise.
One of the first shops we went to was Main Street Quilts in Martinez. The folks there are so friendly (like just about every shop we visited), but were particularly kind to the kids. As we were checking out, they let the girls each pick a fabric scrap from a jar of "fabric candy" they have by the register. These were just small pieces of fabrics, I measured them at 3 inches by 17 or so when we got them home. The little one happily picked out a bright red piece and tried to eat it. Guess she took the 'candy' name a little too literally. The older girl was very thoughtful in her selection, which surprised me since she isn't into fabric, or crafts at all. She even picked out a white piece, when there were all kinds of flashy beautiful colorful choices.

As we walked out to the car, I understood what was in her mind though. "Mama! You can make me a bunny!" She announced, holding her fabric in the air with glee.
I was not all that confident I could make diddly squat out of the small scrap, but agreed to try.

Since I don't normally make plush critters, and I didn't have a pattern, I'm happy with these results. I'd never tried to embroider before either. I'm sure someone who knows what they're doing could find flaws with these, but phooie on them. My kid still thinks I can make anything.
She'll learn better eventually.
I could not find a website for Main Stree Quilts, so the best I can do to plug them is give their address and phone number:
Ph: (925) 372-3700
If anyone from Main Street Quilts is reading this, and there is a website, will you let me know? If there isn't one - you should start one. I like to look at class offerings online. It's 2009 guys. Just sayin.